Your participation in our surveys

Welcome to the ROCCO Research survey on Billing and Charging Evolution, focused on clearing and monetisation. 

Since 1991 the telecom industry has used the Transferred Account Procedures (TAP) for roaming billing and settlement needs. Although TAP has served the industry well, the IDS working group of the GSMA has defined the Billing and Charging Evolution (BCE) process to better future proof the industry to deliver on the requirements for IoT and 5G. 

The survey will take around 15 minutes to complete, is for MNOs who have BCE and will influence the development of BCE across our industry. *Mandatory questions are marked with an asterisk.

Thank you for participating.

Question Title

* 1. Please help us know who you are with a little Personal information.

This is so that ROCCO™ can validate that you are working for a Telecoms Operator. It is also so that we can send you the Executive Summary Report when the research has been concluded.

This survey is fully confidential and the data you provide is anonymised and aggregated. ROCCO is a GDPR-compliant company and will never expose any personal details about you or your company.

Question Title

* 2. For this survey, are you responding as an individual MNO or in representation of an operator group?