Would you like to be involved in redesigning the Revenue NSW website?

We are currently progressing the redesign of our website to ensure it meets the needs of our customers and deliver improvements that make it easy for them to get things done with Revenue NSW.

Getting our customers’ input into these improvements is essential for us to ensure we are delivering what customers need and making it easy for them to interact with us online.

At present, we are focused on testing the revised content with our customers to ensure it is clear and concise and provides you with the information you were looking for.

Date: 30-August 2018 to 4-September 2018 (business days only)

Duration: 1 hour

Testing method: A combination of phone call/web chat (eg: Skype) along with access to a document online with content on Revenue NSW services for you to read and provide feedback.

If you are interested, please complete this short registration form and we will get in touch with you shortly.