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* 1. About Your Organization

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* 2. Do all staff members consider themselves as part of a team aligned with specific schoolwide goals?

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* 3. Do all staff members feel comfortable expressing their thoughts free from retaliation?

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* 4. Are staff members open with one another about their mistakes and weaknesses?

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* 5. Are staff members comfortable with being vulnerable?

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* 6. Do staff members engage in passionate unfiltered debate of ideas?

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* 7. Do staff members consider multiple perspectives?

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* 8. Do staff members respect their peers?

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* 9. Do staff members engage in veiled and guarded comments?

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* 10. Do all staff members commit to school | department | grade level | team goals and plans and take ownership of them?

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* 11. Do staff members hold themselves and each other accountable for results, high standards, and behavior?

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* 12. Do staff members understand the plan of action and support each other to achieve the goal(s)?

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* 13. Do certain staff members tend to seek individual recognition?

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* 14. Has your entire staff adopted a set of common goals and measurements and use them to make collective decisions daily?

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* 15. Is there a process for those that do not commit to the plan of action and the results of the team?

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* 16. Do you feel your school has “politics” that you need to navigate?

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* 17. Has every staff member committed to the mission and vision of the school?

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* 18. Does every staff member collaborate as a team to reach common goals?

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* 19. Is there an explicit school improvement agenda that every staff member completely understands?

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* 20. Does your school provide timely, targeted, systematic interventions to all students who demonstrate the need?

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* 21. In your RTI/MTSS model, does Tier 1 represent core instruction, Tier 2 represent supplemental intervention, and Tier 3 represent intensive student supports?

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* 22. Do you provide interventions in addition to Tier 1 instructions (not in place of it)?

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* 23. Do you have faculty with higher levels of expertise in a student’s target area providing interventions?

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* 24. Do you view RTI primarily as a process to identify students for special education services?

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* 25. Do you view RTI as a regular education process?

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* 26. Do you build interventions on an ineffective core instruction program?

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* 27. Have you created a guaranteed and viable curriculum?

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* 28. Do your interventions come from assessment data that identify specific standards, learning targets, skills, or behaviors students lack?

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* 29. Do you rely on a packaged or purchased intervention program?

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* 30. Do you retain students that have not reached a particular % or GPA?

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* 31. Do you offer remedial support classes, study hall, summer school, etc.?

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* 32. Do admin and/or staff tend to focus on what they cannot directly influence?

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* 33. Do you have staff that assume some students cannot learn at high levels (e.g., students with special needs)?

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* 34. Does your school have policies, practices, and procedures that bolster a collaborative PLC process that focuses on learning and results?

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* 35. Does your staff have a shared belief that each member of the organization ensures high levels of learning for each student?

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* 36. Do you have a systematic process of identifying essential knowledge, skills, and behaviors that all students must master to learn at high levels?

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* 37. Do you have an ongoing process of collectively analyzing targeted evidence to determine the specific learning needs of each student and the effectiveness of the instruction the student receives in meeting these needs?

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* 38. Do you have a systematic process that guarantees every student will receive the time and support needed to learn at high levels?

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* 39. Do you have a systematic process for measuring school improvement?

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* 40. Do your school improvement metrics include student learning data from standardized tests and other assessments?

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* 41. Do your school improvement metrics include student learning data from attendance and dropout rates?

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* 42. Do your school improvement metrics include curriculum delivery and SEL, the wellbeing of students?

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* 43. Do your school improvement metrics include demographic information?

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* 44. Do you have low student attendance rates?

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* 45. Do you have high levels of student misconduct?

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* 46. Do you have low levels of follow-through by the administration and/or staff?

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* 47. Do you have a schoolwide student behavior plan?

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* 48. Do you have low levels of parental engagement?

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* 49. Do you have low levels of parental satisfaction?

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* 50. Do you have philanthropic or other community support?

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* 51. Do you have a process for engaging families?

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* 52. Do you measure teacher, student, and family perception of school culture and climate via surveys multiple times throughout the year?

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* 53. Do you act upon survey data from surveys?

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* 54. Do you engage students and families in pursuing educational goals?

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* 55. Do you have a COVID – 19 school re-entry plan?

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* 56. Do you have high rates of serious misconduct or violence?

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* 57. Do you require infrastructure improvements that jeopardize student safety?

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* 58. Do you have a safety committee?

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* 59. Do you have high occurrences of bullying?

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* 60. Do you have a process for mitigating bullying?

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* 61. Do you have an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) that includes a plan for those with disabilities and require extra support?

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* 62. Do your teachers know the protocols in the ERP?

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* 63. Do you have a mechanism to track students in the event of an emergency?

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* 64. Do you have a process for tracking visitors in your building?

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* 65. Do all staff and all students feel safe?

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* 66. Are hallways monitored during passing periods?

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* 67. Are hallways monitored periodically throughout the day (outside of passing periods)?

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* 68. Are bathrooms checked randomly for students hanging around?

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* 69. Do you have a process for tracking students that leave class?

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* 70. Do you have enough lunch and recess (if applicable) monitors to ensure the safety of all students?

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* 71. Do students and staff feel safe during transitions?