Information and How to Register

*Ce cours est actuellement disponible uniquement en anglais. Restez en contact avec NAF Canada pour les mises à jour concernant la traduction de nos cours.*

Thank you for your interest pre-registering for our launch of the Supporting Abortion Seekers course pilot for social service workers.

You will be notified via email when course access is available in the coming weeks.

We recommend you add to your email contacts and safe senders list to ensure the access email is received.

Course Aims
  1. Provide comprehensive pro-choice education for community and social service professionals or organizations who may in a position to care for a person seeking abortion or pregnancy options.
  2. Learners will gain a deeper understanding of abortion access in Canada, how to provide ethical care using a person-centered, trauma-informed approach, and how to make appropriate referrals.
  3. Completion of this course will increase points of access for accurate, pro-choice, abortion information within the learner’s community.
Course Audience
This course is for anyone in Canada who may be caring for, counselling, or supporting, a person who is pregnant or has the capacity to become pregnant, and may seek abortion care. This can include, but is not limited to:
  • Advocates and activists
  • Community/ outreach workers
  • Counsellors, social workers, or social service workers
  • Doulas
  • Frontline community professionals
  • Midwives
  • Nurses
  • Public educators
  • Volunteers
Course Format
  • This open-access (FREE) training allows participants to complete up to 10 short virtual lessons at their own pace, in any order, from a mobile/ tablet device or a laptop/ computer.
  • Each lesson will provide knowledge and practical skills to incorporate when supporting a pregnant person seeking abortion information and care in Canada.
  • Currently, there is no live session component to this course.
  • Depending on the learner, each lesson takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes to complete. Lessons will include sections of reading, listening, and short activities.
  • Participants can submit the Course Evaluation once all ten lessons are completed to receive a Certificate of Completion.
Course Level
  • This learning series is geared towards people who are less familiar with supporting abortion seekers.
  • Lessons within this series may vary in applicability depending on familiarity or experience within abortion access in the Canadian context.
  • Language used is non-clinical/ non-medical, gender-inclusive, and written within the context of recently providing or learning about abortion support.
Lesson Titles
  1. Introduction to Abortion
  2. Ethics and Normalizing Abortion
  3. Abortion Access and Community Barriers
  4. Introduction to Medication & Procedural Abortion
  5. Who Provides Abortion Care in Canada
  6. Best Practices to Support Abortion Seekers
  7. Referrals for Abortion Seekers
  8. Misinformation and Crisis Pregnancy Centres (CPCs)
  9. Continuing to Support Access and Information
  10. Caring for Yourself and Others
This training is made possible by the Health Canada Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund. The opinions and values expressed in this training do not necessarily reflect those of Health Canada. Email with training questions or concerns.