Welcome to the IONS Physical Mediumship Survey!

TITLE: Evaluating physical mediumship séance attendee experiences 

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Helané Wahbeh, research@noetic.org

FUNDED BY: Marco Project www.marcoproject.org in collaboration with Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)

PURPOSE: This research study aims to learn more about the experiences of physical mediumship séance attendees. You are invited to this study because you will attend a physical mediumship séance. Physical mediumship is an apparent communication between the spirit and physical worlds, where a medium displays various physical phenomena. Unlike mental mediumship, which involves communication through thoughts, emotions, or impressions, physical mediumship involves tangible manifestations, such as the movement or levitation of objects, materialization of spirits, direct voice communication, and other physical phenomena. This type of mediumship often occurs in a darkened séance room, where participants gather to witness and experience the paranormal activities facilitated by the medium. We would like to emphasize that this study fully recognizes and respects the significance of physical mediumship as an integral part of individuals' spiritual beliefs and practices. It is important to note that the purpose of this research is in no way intended to diminish or invalidate these deeply held experiences.

PROCEDURES: After reviewing and agreeing to this consent form, you will complete a survey,  which will take approximately 15 minutes after you attend your upcoming séance. This survey will include questions about your demographics (age, gender, race, etc.), your motivation to attend, previous experiences with, and beliefs about mediumship and séances.  You will also be asked questions about what you experienced during your séance. You will also be asked if you would be open to a follow-up interview about your experience, which is entirely optional. 

If you agree to be contacted, you will receive a phone call or email from someone on our research team to schedule an interview at a convenient time. The discussion will consist of similar questions to the survey, allowing you to describe your experiences in as much detail as you would like. The interviews will be approximately 15 to 60 minutes, depending on your availability and the amount of detail you would like to share. 

ACCESS TO SURVEY RESULTS:  All participants will receive the same follow-up email after the survey data has been analyzed, sharing the group results. Individual results will not be shared, and reports will not include any identifying information.

RISKS: There are no known risks from participating in this study. Your comfort and safety are of the utmost importance. Some of the questions we ask you in this survey may seem very personal. You may choose not to answer any question. Because this is a research study, if you decide to discontinue the survey, your data may or may not be used in the research study.

BENEFITS: There is no direct compensation for your participation. You may or may not directly benefit from being in this study. You may indirectly benefit from being part of a research study and learning about the study results in the future. Each time you complete this survey you will be entered into a drawing to receive $250. We will randomly select an entry after 100 completed surveys are complete. This will be repeated for every 100 completed surveys. Each entry has a 1 in 100 chance of winning the raffle.

ALTERNATIVES: You may choose not to be in this study. Your participation is strictly voluntary, and you may discontinue the study activities anytime.
CONFIDENTIALITY:This is a non-anonymous survey. Your name and contact information and responses will be stored on password-protected computers in password-protected files. Identifying data will be destroyed after the study is complete. Any reporting of the data or results will be done anonymously. That is, your identity will never be revealed outside the explicit use of the study team to match your surveys. Only if you agree to a potential interview will your contact information be used for follow-up.

It will not cost you anything to participate in this study.

If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding this study now or in the future, contact Helané Wahbeh, (707) 779-8230. This research is being overseen by an Institutional Review Board (“IRB”). You may talk to the IRB Chair, Garret Yount, PhD by emailing him at gyount@noetic.org if:

Your questions, concerns, or complaints are not being answered by the research team.
  • You want to talk to someone besides the research team.
  • You have questions about your rights as a research subject.
  • You want to get more information or provide input about this research.
You do not have to join this or any research study. If you do join the study and later change your mind, you have the right to quit at any time. If you choose not to join any or all parts of this study, or if you withdraw early from any or all parts of the study, there will be no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.

Question Title

* I have read and understood this research consent and authorization and agree to participate in this study. All of my questions have been satisfactorily answered, and I want to take part in the study.