The NIH SciEd 2019 Conference will be held April 22 - April 25 in downtown Washington, DC.

DEADLINE for proposal submission is Friday, MARCH 1.

You will be asked to choose to submit a proposal for a Breakout session or a Round Table session.
Breakout sessions are 1.25 hours in length. The most effective sessions involve more than one SEPA project.  Sessions should be interactive, providing ample opportunities for participants to share and contribute. The breakout sessions will take place on Tuesday, 4/23 and Wednesday, 4/24.

In addition to typical proposal questions, such as session title, presenter contact information, and audio-visual needs, you will be asked to enter the following written descriptions:
·      Intended outcomes
·      Session outline
·      List of discussion questions
Round Table sessions are 30 minutes in length. The sessions consist of a 1-minute presentation (Flash Talk) by each presenter followed by three 30-minute sessions with each presenter sitting at an individual table. Participants rotate to a different table/presenter every 30 minutes. These sessions can involve one or more SEPA projects. Interactive sessions that provide opportunities for participant involvement are strongly encouraged. The sessions are scheduled for Wednesday, 4/24 at 2:00-3:45. 

You will be asked to provide the session title, presenter contact information, topics addressed. and a 50-150 word abstract.

Session proposals will be reviewed by the appropriate Strand Co-Leads.

If you have questions, contact Dina Drits-Esser at, 801-585-0794

Question Title

* 1. Are you submitting a proposal for a Breakout session or a Round Table session?