Rural Retail

Sligo - Rural Retail

Survey addressed to retailers in County Sligo
1.Where is your business located?
3.What is your age?
4.Which of the following describes your business?
5.How do you make your sales?
6.How long has your business been running?
7.How would you describe the current state of your business?
8.What changes would best improve your business?
9.How optimistic are your regarding the future of your business in the next 5 years?
10.How do you think the following will influence the future of your business?
Very negative
No real impact
Very positive
Digital customer experiences
Electronic commerce and new technology
Regulation and legislation for retail
New retail formats; retail parks, pop-up stores...
The economy
11.Who are your main competitors?
12.Why do you think your customers buy from you?
13.How do you contact your suppliers?
14.How do you promote your business?
15.Do you reward customer loyalty?
16.How do you measure the impact of your promotional activities?
17.Describe your online presence
18.Do you plan to enhance your online presence in the next 12 months?
19.What are the main obstacles to a good online presence for your business?
20.What do you believe would help improve retail business in your area?
21.How many people do you employ (full-time equivalent)?
22.How many do you expect to employ (full-time equivalent) at the end of 2019
23.What level of discretionary spend on sponsorship did you make in 2018?
24.What is your expectation for sponsorship funding in 2019, over 2018 total?
25.Do you plan to upskill your staff capability in 2019?
26.Do you expect your business to grow in 2019?
27.Are you investing in your business in 2019?
28.What is your view on remote working?
29.How smart is your business (pick one)
Not Smart
Not very Smart
Getting Smarter
Very Smart
30.What types of Smart technology do you use in your business? (mark as appropriate)
31.What challenges are impacting upon your business? (check as appropriate)
32.Have you any plans to digitise your business/ make it Smarter?
Current Progress,
0 of 32 answered
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