Traffic Congestion Survey |
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Central Florida’s Osceola and Polk counties have experienced some of the fastest growth in recent years. Osceola County has been the fastest growing county in Central Florida for 15 years. Census data shows well over 15,000 people moved to the county from 2022 to 2023. Nearly 438,000 residents call the county home – that could jump by nearly 40% by 2040. Additionally, the number of Polk County residents has grown by more than a third since 2010. There are now nearly 820,000 folks calling Polk County home.
The Central Florida Expressway Authority is studying the Southport Connector Expressway and other possible new regional expressway corridors as part of the solution. CFX is working alongside Osceola and Polk Counties, which are making and planning local roadway improvements.
Growth brings some good things, but it also means more vehicles on our roads. This challenge will take all of us to solve. We want to hear from you! Please take our survey – your input counts!