Student Voice (SV) Copyright (C) 2016 Version PLC Associates, Inc.

Welcome to The Student Voice!
Please read carefully before you start. Your teacher or the staff member helping you to complete this survey may read directions or any part of the survey with you. If there are words or statements that you do not understand, please ask for help.

This tool is the intellectual property of PLC Associates, Inc. and may not be reproduced (mechanically or electronically, in part or whole) without expressed consent. Do not forward or share this link. Answers are anonymous.

Please finish the entire survey and at the end, press Done. There are 25 rating scale questions and 3 commentary questions. This survey will take approximately 10 minutes. If you do start and are unable to complete the survey at one time, please press the Next tab at the bottom of the page which will save answers so far entered. Then, when you re-enter, start with the question where you left off. (If translation is needed, please ask your teacher for assistance). Also, please note, the questions have a unique number and are not in sequence, as in: 1, 2, 3, etc. The reason for this is that the district/school in the Follow Up Format, selected certain items from the Full Format. This numbering will allow an easy comparison to previous surveys.

Special Note: If the District/School has requested paper copy, the exact survey is copied from the online version and is provided in paper format. (In this case, disregard online-specific directions.)

Please be candid. We appreciate your input; student input is important to our success as a school!
Thank you.
PLC Associates, Inc.