Question Title

* 1. Would you like to participate in the mentorship program?

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* 2. Name

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* 4. If required, would you be willing to be a part of a group ( maximum 4 people)  mentee/ mentor community

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* 5. Best way to start communication – email or phone number

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* 7. Would you prefer a mentor/mentee of a certain gender identity?

Question Title

* 9. Predominant work location- City, state and Associated Local Health District or Hospital

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* 10. If possible, would you prefer a local match?

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* 11. Details of work

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* 12. Where possible, is there any possible personal circumstances you would like us to consider in your matching process – examples include cultural identity, sexual identity or societal aspects ( single parent etc)

Question Title

* 13. Please rate which topics you would be interested in discussing with your mentor/mentee partnership ( 1 being most important)

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* 14. Please tick which areas of interest you would be interested in discussing with your mentor/mentee partnership

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* 15. If you are a trainee, please specify your stage of training e.g. first year AT