Quiz - Are you aware of these virginity myths? Question Title * 1. How old are you? 15-18 19-21 22-24 25+ OK Question Title * 2. What is your gender? Female Male Prefer not to say OK Question Title * 3. Which city do you live in? OK Question Title * 4. Are you sexually active? Yes No Prefer not to say OK Question Title * 5. Is it true that we all need to define virginity for ourselves because it’s not a fixed thing? Yes No I'm not sure OK Question Title * 6. True or False - You can ‘lose’ your virginity when you use a tampon or a menstrual cup? True False OK Question Title * 7. True or False - A medical/traditional doctor CAN’T tell if you’re a virgin or not because a hymen (the skin that covers the vagina) can break without sexual intercourse. True False OK Question Title * 8. Would you agree that the only way your sexual partner will know if you’re a virgin or not is if you tell them? Yes, I agree No, I disagree because they will feel it OK Question Title * 9. Do you agree that NOT everyone will bleed during their first time having sex? Yes, I agree No, I don’t agree OK Question Title * 10. Do you believe that when you ‘lose’ your virginity, it means that you always have to have sex with your partner in future? Yes No I'm not sure OK Question Title * 11. Is it true that you should only have sex when you’re ready and want to, even after you’ve ‘lost’ your virginity? Yes No It depends OK Question Title * 12. Do you know about Choma? Yes No OK Question Title * 13. If you answered yes, have you used the Choma platforms (Website, Social Media)? Yes No OK Question Title * 14. How long have you used the Choma platforms? Less than 6 months 6 Months to a year More than a year OK CALCULATE YOUR RESULTS