What's Your Measure(s) of Success?

Industry surveys continue to indicate that while plan outcomes are increasingly part of the focus, they’re rather far down the list of plan success measures. 

The Plan Sponsor Council of America’s 60th annual survey a whopping 89.6% of plans cite participation rate as a benchmark to determine plan success – and even more (93.2%) of the largest plans rely on that gauge. Deferral rates were a distant second (72.6%), and average account balances ranked third (55%).  What about outcomes?

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* 1. What do your plan sponsor client(s) rely upon as a measure of plan "success" (check all that apply)?

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* 2. What do your plan sponsor client(s) rely upon as the PRIMARY (just one) measure of plan "success"?

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* 3. Has that changed in the past two years?

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* 4. What do your plan sponsor client(s) rely upon as measure(s) of YOUR "success" in supporting the plan?

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* 5. What do most of your plan sponsor client(s) rely upon as the single most important measure(s) of YOUR "success" in supporting the plan?

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* 6. Has that changed in the past two years?

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* 7. Any other comments about measures of success, plan sponsor measures of success, plan sponsor measures of YOUR success, your measures of your successor - life in general?

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* 8. What size plans do you PRIMARILY work with?

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* 9. Suggestions for future survey questions?

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* 10. All responses are anonymous and confidential, of course - but if you'd like me to know who you are, or allow for a response, you can leave your email below...