The idea of a “workplace” as a noun has changed dramatically in terms of how we work and learn. It’s no longer limited to a physical space. In the pandemic, we proved that in many cases, virtual collaboration can be just as effective. So what’s next? In the coming months, we’ll see a mix of employees who’ll return to the office full-time, continue working remotely, or seek a balance between the two. Now, we'll not only get to witness how effective a hybrid mix of physical and digital coworking can be; We’ll also get to see how enterprises approach creating a hybrid learning model that can keep people connected from a skill-building perspective.

This survey should take fewer than 10 minutes to complete. To show our appreciation for your time, those who complete the survey and provide their email will receive a summary report of the results and updates and insights as they are produced.

Your survey responses will remain completely confidential and your name will not be given to any external parties. Your email will be used only to deliver your research summary results and other items cited above. If you give permission, you may also be contacted by an analyst to request a qualitative research interview about this survey topic.

Thank you in advance for helping us understand how L&D is preparing for a post-pandemic workforce.

All the best,

David Wentworth
Principal L&D Analyst
Brandon Hall Group