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We are interested in your opinions about the new magnet program at your child’s school. The program is part of the Wake County magnet initiative to improve high quality options for students and increase student achievement.
Please take 10 to 15 minutes to complete this survey, which will be kept confidential. Taking part in this survey is your choice. If you decide not to participate, there will be no penalty to you or your child. You may terminate or skip any question that you do not want to answer without recourse.  If you have any questions, please contact Claire Aulicino from Metis at caulicino@metisassoc.com. If you have questions about your rights as a survey participant, you may contact Metis’s Institutional Review Board at mscuello@metisassoc.com.
You may consent to participate in the survey by clicking the “next” button to proceed. Thank you for your participation.