M&A Awards Netherlands 2024 | Best Young Talent |
Dear Dealmaker,
Thank you for answering our call to send in your nomination for this year's M&A Awards! You are about to endorse a candidate for the M&A Award for Best Young Talent 2024.
By submitting this questionnaire you will be nominating a young talent for the Best Young Talent Award. The nomination period for this M&A Award runs from 19 August to 14 October. The editorial team will assess whether the submissions (nominations) are of sufficient quantity and quality and will subsequently present these to the jury. They will inform you before October 21 whether your submission meets all the criteria to be one of the nominees for the M&A Awards 2024.
Criteria according to the regulations:
The best young and talented professionals (aged up to and including 35) with a minimum of between 3 and a maximum of 8 years of experience in the M&A profession and a proven track record of deals on dealmaker.nl. The ideal candidate makes a strong contribution to the team, reacts quickly and cooperates well with seniors, juniors and clients. The person is eager to learn, delivers superior performance and is regarded as a rising star in one’s field of expertise. The total substantiation for the questionnaire must consist of a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 1500 words and can therefore differ per question. Only questionnaires received before October 14, 2024 23:59 hours are valid.
The best young and talented professionals (aged up to and including 35) with a minimum of between 3 and a maximum of 8 years of experience in the M&A profession and a proven track record of deals on dealmaker.nl. The ideal candidate makes a strong contribution to the team, reacts quickly and cooperates well with seniors, juniors and clients. The person is eager to learn, delivers superior performance and is regarded as a rising star in one’s field of expertise. The total substantiation for the questionnaire must consist of a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 1500 words and can therefore differ per question. Only questionnaires received before October 14, 2024 23:59 hours are valid.
We distinguish three categories:
Best Young Private Equity Manager
Best Young M&A Advisor
Best Young M&A Lawyer
By completing this questionnaire, you agree that your written endorsement may be published online on MAAwards.nl and MenA.nl.