Wisconsin Healthcare Research |
Thank you for your interest in this healthcare study centering on care and services in northern Wisconsin.
Let me assure you that all responses will be kept confidential and your name will never be tied to any response you provide during this survey.
If you fully complete this survey, you'll be eligible to enter our drawing for one of ten (10) $50 gift cards we'll be giving away.
Let me also assure you that no one will contact you as a result of your participation in this research - unless we contact you directly to invite you to participate in further research relating to this project.
Within the survey, questions with a * before the question number means this question must be answered. These questions will help us further analyze all responses which will provide our client with more useful information to be used in future planning and decision-making.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact me directly - I've provided my contact information below.
Thank you for your attention and consideration.
Duke Skorich, President
Zenith Research Group, Inc.
3736 E 3rd St
Duluth, MN 55804
T: 218.260.3298
E: dukes@zenithgroup.com
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