Please Complete this form to submit your application. Your application won’t be admitted until you click the “Done” button at the end of this form.

Question Title

* 1. What is your relationship with the employee you are assessing?

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* 2. What is the name of the employee you are going to assess?

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* 3. Shows interest in others well being

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* 4. A good team player and team-builder

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* 5. Negotiates to achieve a win-win situation

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* 6. Provides mentorship and supports to others

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* 7. Demonstrates skills in listening and engaging others

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* 8. Demonstrates humility

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* 9. Performs well under stressful conditions

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* 10. Demonstrates conflict management skills

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* 11. Demonstrates willingness to learn and grow

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* 12. Balances work and personal life

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* 13. Follow policies and lead by examples

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* 14. Comfortably and respectfully disagrees with others

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* 15. Demonstrates ethical values in leadership

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* 16. Ethical values are consistent regardless of the circumstances

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* 17. Raises issues that others may be reluctant to raise

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* 18. Thinks strategically and plans for the short and long-term

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* 19. Communicates vision and purpose

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* 20. Leads with passion

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* 21. Performs outstandingly

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* 22. Strives for excellence

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* 23. What are the strengths or assets of the individual?

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* 24. What areas of leadership will you like to see the individual improve on?

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* 25. What other general feedback will you like to give to the individual relating to their leadership? 

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