The House Bipartisan Paid Leave Working Group Legislative Framework

By completing this survey you're contributing to the data Count on Mothers compiles and sends to legislators in order to impact legislation. All answers are confidential. Your answers are not examined with any email address/IP address you provide.

Count on Mothers is an organization working on behalf of mothers to inform policymakers on mothers' views and needs when it comes to government and industry policy that could affect their kids and families. All mothers are welcomed to be IN for the count every month at

Survey time: 2 MINUTES

On January 8th, we received a legislative framework from the bipartisan House Paid Leave Working Group!
So you are weighing in on the 4 proposals in the framework, and how helpful they would be to your family. They need to hear from mothers!
This survey follows principles of research ethics and survey design as referenced in A. Rubin and E. A. Babbie. (2017). Research methods for social work. Cengage. Completing this survey is voluntary; you can choose to stop answering the survey at any time. No personal information will be shared or analyzed with your responses. This survey draws on the proposed Legislative Framework from the bipartisan House Paid Leave Working Group.

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* 1. I am a Mother.

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* 2. A pilot program exploring a public-private partnership to support paid family leave should be developed, with states having an option to voluntarily participate in this initiative.

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* 3. States with existing paid family leave programs should convene to evaluate and standardize their programs and eliminate inconsistencies, so that employers and employees can more easily navigate and access available benefits.

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* 4. Small businesses should be able to join association-style pooling plans, to reduce risk and lower the cost of providing paid family leave for their employees.

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* 5. Existing voluntary paid leave tax credits for small businesses and working families should be reformed so that these benefits are expanded and become permanent.

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* 6. While it's not currently in the proposed framework, there should be a national program that guarantees coverage to all working people to care for a new child, a loved one, or themselves without putting the full costs on businesses.

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* 7. How well do you think the proposed framework (not including #6) will fill the paid leave gaps? What does your family need?

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* 8. Generally, I identify as

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* 9. I live in:

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* 10. My five-digit zip code is

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* 11. Count on Mothers has explored Mothers' perspectives on bills addressing numerous topics for the purpose of informing lawmakers and the public -- including security at the border, gun safety, social media safety, and child care, What is another legislative issue that should be the focus of Count on Mothers' studies?