Application Information
  • Deadline:  September 5, 2023
  • Grant Amount:  $5,000
  • Questions - Send to:
Download the sample application
Grant Purpose and Intent
  • The Michigan Community Service Commission (MCSC) is providing support for communities to develop a volunteer and donations management plan to be used in times of disaster.
  • Applicants will be expected to provide training to local partners to understand how to prepare and respond to a disaster in collaboration.
Eligible Applicants
  • Eligible applicants could include, 501c3 nonprofit, Faith-based organization, local, county and regional government, school districts, colleges and universities, and other collaborative organizations.
  • Applicants should be able to serve as a backbone organization and develop collaboration among community organizations in the planning process.
Use of Funds
  • Eligible use of funds includes consultant services, communication templates for emergencies and disasters, stakeholder planning meetings, recruitment and training of volunteers that will serve in a disaster, technology necessary to implement volunteer and donations management.
Expected Outcomes and Deliverables
  • Short and long-term recovery plan with procedures and execution steps
  • Volunteer and donations management plans
  • Communication plan with sample messages
  • Plan to activate Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOADS) and other partners.
  • Identified roles and responsibilities of community organizations.
 Grant Implementation Requirements
  • Work in collaboration with the MCSC to reach specified goals and utilize free resources and technology assistance in development of the plan.
  • Participate in MCSC grantee meetings.
  • Meet with the MCSC staff to evaluate progress on goals outlined in the grant application.
  • Recognize the role of the MCSC and AmeriCorps the Agency in providing financial and technical support for the project in external communication. 
Reporting Requirements

 It will be expected that grantees provide quarterly data reports.
Goals and Objectives
  • Develop and implement a plan to address mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery phases focusing on volunteer and donations management.
  • Follow disaster planning, management, and recovery best practices.
  • Outline activities including roles and responsibilities and communications.
  • Identify disaster risks using tools available from MCSC, local EMS or MSP.
  • Convene stakeholders and solidify relationships with key organizational partners to address management of volunteers and donations.
  • Include stakeholders from multiple sectors including emergency management, local government, corporations, nonprofit, faith, education and others as needed.
  • Develop a ready to mobilize team of trained volunteers and organizations.
  • Recruit, screen, and train volunteers to serve tasks outlined in the plan.
  • Identify Volunteer Team Leaders that will provide updated communication.
  • Outline an annual plan to practice response activities.
Send questions to:
Applicant Information

Question Title

* 1. Organization Information

Question Title

* 2. Organization Contact information:

Question Title

* 3. Organization's Federal and State Numbers (If you have available, can be provided after grant deadline if needed)

Question Title

* 4. Type of Organization

Question Title

* 5. What is the mission of your organization?

Question Title

* 6. What services does your organization provide and how many people do you serve?

Question Title

* 7. Legislative Representatives