Halfmoon Comprehensive Plan Update

Thank you for taking the time to complete this Town of Halfmoon Business Survey. The Town of Halfmoon and the appointed Comprehensive Plan Update Committee are currently in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan and are looking for feedback from current business owners about their experiences in Halfmoon and how future growth can accommodate the owner’s needs. A Comprehensive Plan is a document that provides a future framework for a range of topics such as land use, economic development, infrastructure, transportation, neighborhoods, the environment, and housing.

Your voice is important! Answers will be kept anonymous and will inform the preparation of the Comprehensive Plan Update. Whether you’ve been in business for decades or are just starting, the Town of Halfmoon is committed to helping provide you with the resources necessary to manage, sustain, and grow your business.

You can stay informed about the overall process by visiting the project website at www.planhalfmoon.com