Tell us how much is too much.

For our next project, our team needs some information about what you read, watch, listen to, click on, and otherwise consume online. More specifically, we're trying to understand the moments when you feel "information overload" – defined as "a ​situation in which you ​receive too much ​information at one ​time."

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* 1. How often would you say the term "information overload" applies to you?

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* 2. I feel like the amount of daily effort I must exert to stay up-to-date is...

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* 3. I often continue consuming information despite feeling that I’ve reached “information overload."

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* 4. At the end of most days…

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* 5. Studies have shown that "information overload" can have physical effects. Have you experienced any of the following symptoms related to "information overload"? (Check all that apply.)

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* 6. When I experience “information overload,” it... (Check all that apply.)