
CUNA and the Leagues are working to ensure interchange regulation is not extended to credit card programs. Legislators are currently discussing this possibility. This survey supports our urgent and proactive efforts by allowing us to quantify the costs and return on credit card programs and understand how potential regulations have and will impact credit unions and their members. 

We understand that credit unions may have non-disclosure agreements with their credit card processing companies that prohibit them from disclosing certain fees, service costs, and revenue. Please note that all surveys responses are confidential - only CUNA's research team will have access to them - and the results will only be reported in aggregate.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact CUNA's Charles Dahan at

For your convenience, we are providing a PDF of the questionnaire if you would like to use it as a worksheet.

To begin, we need some information about your credit union so we can append additional data from the 5300 Call Report such as assets, net charge-offs, etc., which will make the results more meaningful and useful. Also, as this issue evolves, we may need to follow-up with you for additional information and would like to have contact information to do so.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following information: