Data collection details (section 3)

Question Title

* Please describe the methods used to aggregate the data for this survey. Does this data represent a single enterprise (such as a lodge or conservancy), or is it aggregating data from various enterprises within a community? If the latter, provide details on the different sectors that have been included in the survey.

Question Title

* What was the gender breakdown of survey interviewees?

Question Title

* I agree to share my contact details (section 2), data collection details (section 3), and general information (section 5) with registered users of the platform

Question Title

* I agree to share financial information (section 6) with registered users of the platform (any questions where you are providing monetary amounts)

Question Title

* I agree to share all information I have provided with registered users of the platform

If you decline to share any of the information above, the information you do share will be aggregated with that of other respondents and published on the platform, with no attribution to you. If you do share the information with attribution to your enterprise, only registered users of the platform will have access to the data. Users will need to register and be approved by Africa NBT platform staff.

You have the right to withdraw your consent to the collection and processing of your personal data If you wish to withdraw your consent to the collection and/or processing of your personal data, or if you would like your responses to the survey deleted from the Africa NBT platform, please email us at Please note that if you consent to the collection and processing of your personal data and thereafter withdraw such consent, we will maintain records as required by law, including records to show that your consent was obtained validly in the first instance.
By appending your signature or thumbprint below, you hereby confirm that you have consented to all of the above and you have done so freely and voluntarily and your consent is not due to any threat, coercion or any duress or pressure exerted over you. You also confirm that you understand the content and implications of the collection and processing of your personal data and all your rights and any other information contained above.

Question Title

* I confirm and consent to my personal information being collected, processed, stored and used for the data collector and processor to publish it on a shared platform with other users.

Question Title

* Please note that you have the right to:

Please note that you have the right to:

·         be informed of the use to which your personal data is to be put;

·         access your personal data in our custody;

·         object to the processing of all or part of your personal data;

·         require the correction of false or misleading data about you; and

·         require the deletion of false or misleading data about you.

You may exercise these rights by yourself or through a person authorized by you in writing.

Before we collect and process your personal data, you confirm that you are aware of:

·         your rights as stated above;

·         the fact that personal data is being collected and will be stored and processed;

·         the purpose for which the personal data is being collected, stored, and processed;

·         that your personal data may be transferred to third parties out of the country for storage and processing, including the Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development, for purposes of developing and maintaining the Africa NBT Platform, and that some or all of your personal data will be made available to users of the Africa NBT Platform;

·         that your personal data shall be subject to appropriate safeguards;

·         our contacts and the contacts of the data controller and/or data processor or third parties to whom this information may         be disclosed;

·         whether any other entity may receive the collected personal data; and

·         that the disclosure of your data is not mandatory and you have the right to refuse the collection of your personal data.

Though we strive to collect all personal data from you directly, we may collect personal data indirectly where:

1)      the data is contained in a public record;

2)      you have deliberately made the data public;

3)      you have consented to the collection from another source;

4)      you suffer from incapacity and the guardian appointed has consented to the collection from another source;

5)      the collection from another source would not prejudice your interests; or

6)      the collection of data from another source is necessary—

                                                         i.            for the prevention, detection, investigation, prosecution and punishment of crime;

                                                       ii.            for the enforcement of a law which imposes a pecuniary penalty; or

                                                     iii.            for the protection of your interests or another person’s interests.

If you are not willing to share your individual responses, please check “no” to all the boxes below, and they will be aggregated with those of others and used anonymously for overall data statistics on the Africa NBT platform.
  • Be informed of the use to which your personal data is to be put;
  • Access your personal data in our custody
  • Object to the processing of all or part of your personal data;
  • Require the correction of false or misleading data about you; and
  • Require the deletion of false or misleading data about you.

Question Title

* Participant

Question Title

* Data Collector

Section A (general information) (section 5)
*8) Which of the following are your most immediate concerns?
Please indicate all relevant categories (more than one option is allowed)

Question Title

* Please add any comments to further explain your answers:

Question Title

* Please add any comments to further explain your answers:

*13) What are your annual salary costs? Note: Please provide numbers for a calendar year, January-December.
*12) What is the total annual gross revenue (income from selling goods and services before any deductions) that your institution generates from tourism?
Note: Please provide numbers for a calendar year, January-December.
14) Have any organisations been providing you with support to assist with COVID-19 challenges?
Please fill in as many sections as needed (You can skip these sections if there is no data).
*16) The current financial gap:
What was your annual expenditure on the activities below prior to Covid-19?
Approximately how much is secured/anticipated over the next 12 months?
Approximately how much is still needed over the next 12 months?

Please indicate all relevant categories (more than one option is allowed). The currency is US$.
*17) What type of financial support would you seek?
Please indicate all relevant categories (more than one option is allowed)
*18) What sources of financial support would work for your institution?
Please indicate all relevant categories (more than one option is allowed)

Question Title

* Staff numbers:

Question Title

* Gender:

Question Title

* Origin:

Question Title

* Staff numbers:

Question Title

* Gender:

Question Title

* Origin:

If applicable, provide the percentage of tourists that are local vs. international

Question Title

* In 2019: please provide a range (US$ only)

Question Title

* In 2020: please provide a range (US$ only)

Question Title

* In 2021: please provide a range (US$ only)

Question Title

* Please add any comments to further explain your answers in regards to total gross revenue:

Question Title

* In 2019: please provide a range (US$ only)

Question Title

* In 2020: please provide a range (US$ only)

Question Title

* In 2021: please provide a range (US$ only)

Question Title

* *9) What measures have you put in place, or are you planning, due to the COVID-19 pandemic?
Please indicate all relevant categories (more than one option is allowed)

Question Title

* Section One

Question Title

* Section Two

Question Title

* Section Three

Question Title

* Section Four

Question Title

* Section Five

Question Title

* Communities:

Question Title

* Finances:

Question Title

* Conservation:

Question Title

* 15) What support does your institution need at the moment?

Question Title

* Total expenditure:

Question Title

* Antipoaching:

Question Title

* Staff salaries:

Question Title

* Safety and security:

Question Title

* Environmental education:

Question Title

* Other conservation activities:

Question Title

* Staff training and development:

Question Title

* Buying local goods and services:

Question Title

* Supporting community projects (e.g. schools, health, infrastructure):

Question Title

* Lease payments:

Question Title

* Rental payments:

Question Title

* Grant (non-repayable funds):

Question Title

* Debt (a loan that requires repayment over a set period of time with interest):

Question Title

* Equity (selling an ownership stake in the business):

Question Title

* Quasi-equity (form of capital with some debt-like properties and also some equity-like properties):

Question Title

* Other Option (please specify):

Question Title

* Government (e.g. grant finance, stimulus payments):

Question Title

* Individual donors (i.e. high net worth individuals):

Question Title

* Institutional donors (e.g. not-for-profit organizations):

Question Title

* Banks (e.g. loan finance):

Question Title

* Investors (e.g. growth equity or secured loan capital):

Question Title

* Other Option (please specify):

Question Title

* 19) Are there any alternative nature-friendly sources of revenue, beyond tourism, that you would be interested in exploring?

Question Title

* 20) Final comments
Please add any other comments or thoughts you would like to share

Question Title

* *1) What is the primary involvement of your institution/enterprise in nature-based tourism?
Please indicate the most relevant category and note that other sources of revenue can be indicated in the question 6 below.

Question Title

* 3) Which protected area (e.g. national park/game reserve/conservancy) are you located within or closest to?

Question Title

* 2) What is the type of area in which your institution/enterprise is located?
Please indicate all relevant categories (more than one option is allowed)

Question Title

* *4) Who owns the institution?
Please indicate all relevant categories (more than one option is allowed)

Question Title

* 5) What are your contributions to conservation?
Please describe the role of the community in the management and custodianship of the land and its wildlife. Provide any distinguishing features about the area, its wildlife, its people and the role of tourism in its local economy.

Question Title

* *6) What kinds of revenue-generating services do you provide?
Please indicate all relevant categories (more than one option is allowed)

Question Title

* *7) Who do you sell your products/services to?
Please indicate all relevant categories (more than one option is allowed)

Question Title

* * If applicable, provide the percentage of tourists that are local vs. international

Question Title

* *10) How many people were employed before the COVID-19 pandemic?

Question Title

* *11) How many people are employed currently?

Question Title

* Please add any comments below if you need to further explain your answers to questions 10 and 11. For example, have some full-time staff switched to part-time as a result of Covid-19? Have staff taken pay cuts?


Question Title

* Who referred you to this survey?

Question Title

* Please indicate how you agree with the statements below.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I acquired many valuable skills
The content and scope met my expectations
Time allocated to go through the training materials was adequate
The facilitators were knowledgeable
The presentation was clear and effective
I was able to follow steps required
Communication regarding workshop details was adequate
Workshop room facilities were acceptable
Internet and IT services were effective
The hotel services were acceptable

Question Title

* Please indicate your level of skills after the training in each of areas using the following scale.
5 = High level of competence - extensive experience in the skill area
4 = Moderately high level of competence - good experience in the skill area
3 = Average level of competence – some experience in the skill area
2 = Low level of competence – little experience in the skill area
1 = No level of competence – no experience in the skill area

  5 4 3 2 1
Registering on the mobile application
Uploading questionnaire to the application
Mapping ground coordinates
Locating features on the ground
Calculating area
Uploading data to the SERVER
Reviewing uploaded data
Geoportal registration
Geoportal usage

Question Title

* What was the most important skills you gained from this training?

Question Title

* Describe specific tasks you will be able to undertake in your work as result of this training.

Question Title

* Which challenges did you encounter while participating in this training?

Question Title

* Which key areas do you need more capacity building?

Question Title

* Please give any other additional comments and recommendations for future training.

Question Title

* Name of Institution (community/conservancy/enterprise/association etc.):

Question Title

* Name of the person representing institution:

Question Title

* Position within the institution:

Question Title

* Gender:

Question Title

* Physical address:

Question Title

* Email address:

Question Title

* Phone number (include country code):

Question Title

* Geographic coordinates of the institution:
(On your computer, open Google Maps. Right-click the place or area on the map that you want to get coordinates, select and copy the latitude and longitude)

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50% of survey complete.