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This questionnaire will help us understand how religious, spiritual and philosophical communities experienced the Covid-19 pandemic. It is part of an international research project comparing Canada, Germany, the Republic of Ireland/Northern Ireland, and Poland. 
1. Your participation
You have been asked to participate because you are a member of a religious, spiritual or philosophical group which we have chosen for our analysis based on demographic criteria

You will complete an online questionnaire of around 40 questions. It should take 15 to 30 minutes. Your responses are completely anonymous.
The research team will conduct one-on-one interviews with some volunteers who complete the questionnaire. If you want to take part in an interview at a later stage of the project, please contact:
- caoimhe.nidhonaill@qub.ac.uk for Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland
- mathieu.colin@umontreal.ca for Canada.
2. Risks
 There are no risks associated with the research. You can decide not to answer a question or to exit the questionnaire at any time. If you exit the questionnaire before completing it, your answers will not be recorded.
3. Use of Data
 Your responses are anonymous. If you identify yourself after completing the questionnaire, your anonymity is still guaranteed.
4. Personal benefit
 Your participation may help us understand the responses of religions/spiritual/philosophical groups to major pandemics, as well as how societies and governments respond to the needs of religions and other types of groups. You will not receive additional compensation for completing this questionnaire.
5. Privacy
 The data will be stored on Survey Monkey, a password-protected online site accessible only to researchers. Data will be securely transferred to a password-protected computer. All identifying information will be destroyed after seven years. Publications will never identify participants.  Survey Monkey is a privately owned company with its own data processing agreement, in line with our ethical rules.
6. Funding
 The research is funded by the Trans-Atlantic Platform.
7. Consent
 You can take your time to think about whether you want to participate. For more information about the project, click here.