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This survey is conducted by Varða - Labour Market Research Institute and is intended for the members Samstaða trade union. The survey aims to examine the members’ will and priorities in the upcoming negotiations as collective agreements expire this fall. You are not obligated to answer any questions or to participate in the survey as a whole. The answers are anonymous, and the answers will be analysed in accordance with Act No. 90/2018 on Data Protection and the Processing of Personal Data. The outcome of the survey will be used by the Samstaða trade union. For any questions about the survey procedure or conduct, please contact Kristín Heba Gísladóttir, director of Varða, tel. 535 5629.

Question Title

* 1. What is your gender?

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* 3. What is your marital status?

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* 4. What is the highest level of school/education you have completed?

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* 5. What is your nationality?

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* 6. What is your country of origin?

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* 9. What is your trade union?

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* 10. For what municipality do you work?

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* 11. In what sector do you work?

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* 12. What is your job percentage?

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* 13. Do you work a day-time job or on shifts?

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* 14. On average, how many overtime hours do you work per month?

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* 15. What is your job income before taxes and other deductions?

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* 16. In your opinion, what would the lowest wage need to be so that people could live off it? (Today, the lowest wage is 368,000 ISK before taxes)

The following questions relate to the collective agreements expiring in the fall of 2022, and which factors you think the trade union should priorities in the upcoming negotiations.

Question Title

* 17. In your opinion, what is a realistic length of agreement for the upcoming negotiations?

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* 18. Would you be prepared to review the wage structure/working hours in the upcoming negotiations, and if so, in what way?

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* 19. In your opinion, which of the following rights should be prioritised in the upcoming negotiations (mark the most important option with 1, the second most important option with 2, and so on? You can also drag and drop the options to arrange them by importance)?

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* 20. The last negotiations were focused on fixed, flat wage increases that were meant to raise the lowest wages more than other wages. In your opinion, which wage-related factor should be focused on in the upcoming collective negotiations? (Please select one factor)

In this current agreement’s 3-year term, which ends on 1 November, rates increased by a minimum of 90,000 ISK and other wages by 60,000 ISK. In your opinion, what would be a realistic wage increase in the next agreements, given a three-year term of agreement:

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* 21. Rates increased by

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* 22. Other wages increased by

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* 23. What do you consider more important when it comes to collective negotiations?

33% of survey complete.