About you

If you are interested in setting up this survey for your school please email: admin@healtheducationpartnership.com

Please note: Our surveys are provided free to schools in boroughs where HEP are commissioned to provide support. For other individual schools we charge £50.00 for the use of a survey. A link to the survey is sent to the school and remains open until we receive a request to close. As many staff as you wish can complete the survey via the online link.

For survey respondents: Health Education Partnership have set up this questionnaire. It does not ask staff to put their names on the questionnaire and IP addresses of respondents are not collected. This means the information is held in an anonymous form and individual staff cannot be identified. The school and staff names will never be published and will not be shared with other partner services. We can provide a comparison breakdown based upon gender, role etc. (though would only do this if the individual cannot be identified e.g only one male member of staff or one teaching assistant completing the survey).

Question Title

1. I identify as:

Question Title

2. My role at the school:

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17% of survey complete.