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Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, which should take around 10 minutes. Please complete by midnight on 15th March 2024.

Spending time in natural green space is good for everyone's physical and mental health and wellbeing. Research shows that the benefits of nature exposure and connection are particularly positive for children and young people, but the evidence also shows that opportunities for accessing nature are not experienced evenly with those experiencing socio-economic disadvantage often having the least access to nature because of a range of barriers.

Climate change impacts are already being felt across our towns and cities, for example heatwaves or the disruption caused by storms and localised surface water flooding. In October 2023 Portsmouth City Council adopted a refreshed Greening Strategy, recognising the impact that a range of greening measures can have for health and wellbeing; climate resilience (for example reducing day and night-time temperatures) and nature.

This survey for teachers and school staff aims to understand how school grounds are currently used, any plans for school grounds and the experiences of the education sector in Portsmouth with some of the impacts of climate change, particularly excess heat. Through increasing our understanding of your needs and experiences we can start to identify any support measures we can take, including support with school grounds development.

The survey can be answered by anyone working within a school. Please do confer with colleagues to ensure we gain the greatest insight possible.
Portsmouth City Council is the Data Controller of any personal data you provide in connection with this survey. It will only be used for the purpose of analysing the results and improving related services and will not be shared with any other organisations in a way that would identify you. For further details of how the council collects and uses personal data, please see our full Data Protection Privacy Notice . This survey uses software supplied by SurveyMonkey. Please be aware that some of your personal data (for example your IP address) may be processed in the United States. For full details of how SurveyMonkey complies with the UK General Data Protection Regulation, please see their website here and their Privacy Notice
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