Faculty Award Reporting: Informal Education CORE DATA Question Title * 1. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION:Please provide a short (paragraph or so) description of the activity, its goals and objectives, and unique characteristics. This section should include special conditions and products to be completed by participants. Question Title * 2. Is this an ongoing activity? Yes No Question Title * 3. Please briefly describe based on your activity description, what impact this project has had on you personally and in your career trajectory? (This should be a human interest story piece and will be included in reports to the National NASA programs office as well as on the NVSGC website) Question Title * 4. COMPETITIVENESS:Describe the competitiveness of this activity including eligibility and selection criteria. Question Title * 5. ACTIVITY CONTACT PERSON: Last name: First name: Title: Institution/ Organization: Street Address: Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: Business Phone 1: Business Phone 2: E-mail Address 1: E-mail Address 2: Question Title * 6. SELECT PARTICIPATING AFFILIATES:Please provide the names of the affiliates that participated within this activity: Challenger Learning Center of Northern Nevada College of Southern Nevada CSN Planetarium Desert Research Institute Digital Solid State Propulsion LLC Fleishmann Planetarium Great Basin College Jack C Davis Observatory Nevada State College Nevada System of Higher Education - System Office Sierra Particle Technologies Summit Projects Truckee Meadows Community College University of Nevada, Las Vegas University of Nevada, Reno Western Nevada College Enter a name of non-Affiliate Organization(s), if applicable: Question Title * 7. NASA CONNECTIONS:This activity is in alignment with the priorities of the following connections: (Mark all that apply) Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate Human Exploration & Operations (HEO) Office of Chief Technologist Science Mission Directorate Office of Education None of the Above Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. A partnership is a reciprocal and voluntary relationship between the activity personnel and NASA, industry or other partners, to cooperatively achieve the goals of the activity. Was there a partnership with a NASA center on the activity? Yes No If yes, list INSTITUTION NAME, NASA CENTER, and DESCRIPTION OF PARTNERSHIP: Question Title * 9. PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: How many authors have published results of research/activities directly attributed to this activity? (if none, enter 0) How many authors have submitted manuscripts of research/activities directly attributed to this activity, but are not yet published? (if none, enter 0) How many invited papers based on research/activities directly attributed to this activity were presented? (if none, enter 0) How many self-submitted papers based on research/activities directly attributed to this activity were presented at conferences that use a review process? (If none, enter 0) Question Title * 10. For all publications referenced above, please provide the following: AUTHOR(S), YEAR, TITLE, PUBLICATION (Journal, Book, Proceedings, Other), PEER REVIEWED (Y/N), STATUS (Declined, Pending Accepted), and AUTHOR CATEGORY (Faculty, Postdoc, Student).For all presentations referenced above, please provide the TITLE, PRESENTER and VENUE. Question Title * 11. PROPOSALS: How many proposals for additional funding (NASA and external), based on activities associated with this activity, were submitted? (if none, enter 0) How many proposals for additional funding (NASA and external), based on actrivities associated with this activity, were funded? (if none, enter 0) Question Title * 12. For all funded proposals, please provide the PROPOSAL TITLE, INSTITUTION, NAME OF FUNDING ORGANIZATION, TYPE OF FUNDING ORGANIZATION (NASA, Other Federal Agency, State Agency, Private Foundation, Non-profit, Industry, Other), AMOUNT REQUESTED and AMOUNT RECEIVED. Question Title * 13. PATENTS AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS: How many patents, based on research/activities associated with this activity, have been applied for? (if none, enter 0) How many patents, based on research/activities associated with this activity, have been granted? (if none, enter 0) How many patent licesnses, based on research/activities associated with this activity, have been issued? (if none, enter 0) How many technology transfer activities have resulted from research/activities associated with this activity? (if none, enter 0) Question Title * 14. For all granted patents referenced above, please list the PATENT and DATE RECEIVED.For all issued licenses, list the LICENSE and DATE ISSUED.For all technical transfer activities, list the ACTIVITY and TRANSFER PARTNER. Question Title * 15. EVALUATION:How does this activity contribute to meeting the goals and objectives of the project/ agreement with NASA education? Question Title * 16. What metrics or measures are documented (caputured) through the evaluation process to determine the effectiveness of this activity? Question Title * 17. REFERENCES: (Optional)Please e-mail nvspacegrant@nshe.nevada.edu with any reference document(s) as needed. Below, please indicate the relevance and the section it pertains to. Next