Big Data for Service Organizations Thank you for participating in The Service Council’s survey on Big Data. The focus of this survey is to understand:1 - The extent of initiatives tied to Big Data2 - The challenges and results associated with Big Data initiativesIn talking about Big Data but we are referring to initiatives tied to building, organizing, and analyzing large data sets to reveal patterns, trends, and associations. These data sets can be tied to service performance as its captured via customer feedback (structured or unstructured), front-line results (field, remote, contact center) or otherwise. Our objective is to understand how you are making sense of all of this data.Your participation in the survey will yield access to results when they are made available in April-May 2015. For questions regarding the data, contact Sumair Dutta - Question Title * 1. What best describes your organization? Manufacturer and provide service (incl repair, maintenance, installation etc) Service provider only (no manufacturing) Dealer or other partner (provide service only, no manufacturing) Consultant Other (please specify) Next