The objective of the case story exercise is to learn about private sector initiatives to reduce trade costs in developing countries, and in particular least developed countries.

Case stories will be analysed for the 5th Global Review of Aid for Trade. The theme of the Review is "Reducing trade costs for inclusive, sustainable growth". You may submit more than one case story.

Case stories may be submitted on initiatives to reduce trade costs for both merchandise goods and services.

Case stories may be submitted about initiatives undertaken as part of a company or association's core business strategy, as part of corporate social responsibility activities or as part of joint initiatives with bilateral or multilateral development organizations or civil society.

Examples of reducing trade costs may include action on the following:

• For merchandise goods, trade costs associated with: impacts of border procedures (i.e. trade facilitation); tariffs, fees and other charges; non-tariff measures; transport infrastructure; and access to trade finance.

• For services, trade costs associated with: network infrastructure (ICT, power, telecommunications); transport infrastructure; non-recognition of professional qualifications; restrictions on commercial presence; restrictions on movement of natural persons; poor regulatory environment for services; tariffs on product inputs (e.g. on computers for ICT services); and low skill levels in the service sector.