50% of survey complete.
Thank you for taking part in this survey about how Providence Health Care can improve health services for the First Nations, Inuit and Metis populations that we serve.

Our work as a committee has been focused by the seven traditional teachings of North American Aboriginal Peoples:

Having high expectations for Aboriginal people and honoring their cultures, languages and world view in our health care facilities

Demonstrating our belief as health care providers, that Aboriginal people can and will succeed through our own commitment to their health and wellness

Committing to changing our health care system through including the contributions, innovations and inventions of Aboriginal people

Sharing effective practices in Aboriginal health and wellness through ongoing professional development, care, teaching and research that focuses on imbuing equity

Acknowledging past wrongs and that we need to learn more about the diversity of Aboriginal people and accessing key First Nation resources to enhance that state

Accepting that we have much to learn from one another and reviewing the factors involved to encourage change in the health care system

Developing measurable outcomes for Aboriginal health and wellness and using them as key indicators for how inclusive and effective our health system is

Question Title

* 1. If you reside in BC, which Health Authority do you work for?

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* 2. Which describes your main area of work?

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* 3. The Providence Health Care Aboriginal Health Improvement Committee has created a vision statement:
“Aboriginal health, wellness and healing, through respect, recognition and reconciliation”. Do you support this vision?

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* 4. The Providence Health Care Aboriginal Health Improvement Committee has created a Mission statement:
“Walking together on a healing journey, that acknowledges the past and draws on indigenous wisdom and practices, we will create a culturally competent organization. Based on holism and respect, we provide accessible, equitable and meaningful care to all Aboriginal people, in all communities, in all walks of life. We hold in esteem the Aboriginal Seven Good Life Teachings and will apply them to our process and work."

Do you support this Mission Statement?

Question Title

* 5. The Providence Health Care Aboriginal Health Improvement Committee has identified five goals which we would like you to rate.

  Not at all important Somewhat important Don't know/neutral Important Very important
Establishing holistic care for Aboriginal health care at PHC
Lifespan approach to health improvement
Creating a culturally competent organization
Community Engagement
Improving access to all PHC services

Question Title

* 6. GOAL 1: Establishing holistic care for Aboriginal health care at Providence Health Care includes the following actions. Please rate how important you think they are in achieving this goal.

  Not at all important Somewhat important Don't know/Neutral Important Very important
Caring for a person rather than illness
Caring for a person in the context of their lives
Caring for the family (however family is defined by the patient)
Empowering people to makes choices for their wellness, health care and healing
Addressing the moral dilemmas faced by people and their carers
Expanding our view of the system of health care to include traditional healing practices
Think outside the box, be creative in providing care and meeting unique needs and say ‘yes’ more

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* 7. GOAL 2: Lifespan approach to health improvement includes the following actions. Please rate how important you think they are in achieving this goal.

  Not at all important Somewhat important Don't Know/Neutral Important Very important
Recognize Aboriginal beliefs and practices regarding stages of birth, life and death
Recognize and respect the revered place of Elders and Ancestors in Aboriginal cultures
Acknowledge the journey that Elders have experienced
Acknowledgement of patient birthdays and special occasions
Being open to ceremony and incorporation of traditional practices
Link with the community to engage in larger scale ceremonies and celebrations
Provide education, exposure and learning opportunities for staff through involvement in Aboriginal traditional practices

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* 8. GOAL 3: Creating a Culturally Competent Organization includes the following actions. Please rate how important you think they are in achieving this goal.

  Not at all important Somewhat important Don't Know/Neutral Important Very Important
Improving Skills, knowledge and attitudes through mandatory education and training
Culturally appropriate environment e.g art work, signage, sacred space
Change/Create policies to give organization support to cultural safety
Include cultural safety as part of our Quality and Risk work
Review our systems, processes and language to address any barriers to care
Treat people individually as well as according to medical science
Including Aboriginal patients, Elders and educators in staff education
Enabling staff to experience Aboriginal culture by attending feasts, events etc
Allowing traditional ceremony and healing to be practiced at PHC
Acknowledging Traditional Territories before every meeting
Having Aboriginal Elders employed by PHC in the same way as Pastoral Care

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* 9. GOAL 4: Community Engagement includes the following actions. Please rate how important you think they are in achieving this goal.

  Not at all important Somewhat important Don't Know/Neutral Important Very Important
Holding regular Aboriginal Community forums to get feedback and share information
Statement from CEO and Senior Leadership Team that guides the organization and makes the work a priority
Holding a ceremony to mark a new beginning and new relationship with the Aboriginal community
Having the traditional Halkomelem name for PHC sites included in our signage
Follow up on where PHC policies are not aligned to the goals of the Aboriginal community
Creating a formal relationship with the interim First Nations Health Authority

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* 10. GOAL 5: Improving access to Providence Health Care services includes the following actions. Please rate how important you think they are in achieving this goal.

  Not at all important Somewhat important Don't Know/Neutral Important Very important
A Director who has responsibility for Aboriginal Health
A key member of staff (nurse/social worker) who acts as a navigator
Improved signage in hospital and residential sites
Cultural competence education
Changes to the way patients are welcomed to the hospital/clinic/residence
Changing the attitudes of staff at the front line
Zero tolerance policy for racism

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* 11. Thinking about the physicial environment at Providence Health Care, please rate the top four actions you think we should focus on.

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* 12. Thinking about our intellectual environment, please rate the top four actions you think we should focus on.

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* 13. Thinking about spiritual environment at PHC, please rate the top four actions you think we should focus on.

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* 14. National best practice has identified that some health conditions and health services require focused Aboriginal initiatives. Thinking about our populations of emphasis and programs, what specific Aboriginal health services should Providence Health Care include?

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* 15. If there is anything else you would like to add