Northern Virginia Healthcare Survey

About the survey:
This survey is being conducted by Jobs for the Future for NoVAHealthFORCE, a partnership of the region’s leading hospitals and educational institutions. The purpose of this study is to identify current and future Northern Virginia health care workforce needs and current and future gaps in the health care workforce and the driving forces leading to these gaps. The results will be used to help plan new investments in educational capacity for the health care workforce. A report of the findings will be made available to you in the fall of 2013.

The survey asks for information about staffing for nursing and allied health positions, patient capacity and occupancy rates, and hiring needs. Your responses will be processed confidentially and only group data will be made available. If you have any questions regarding the survey or this research in general please contact Adwapa Donkoh

Definitions of the occupations are attached in the email and can also be found here.