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Introduction and Contact Information

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Thank you for responding to Lumos' Global Call for Evidence on Children's Institutions and Human Trafficking.

The goal of this call for evidence
The purpose of gathering evidence through this call is to understand the links between children's institutions and human trafficking in diverse contexts around the world. Lumos is collecting examples, information, knowledge and resources about trafficking into, out of or after leaving children's institutions as well as practice in tackling this serious problem.

What are children's institutions?
Children's institutions are residential facilities where an ‘institutional culture’ prevails. This includes for example ‘orphanages’, compound/cluster facilities, ‘reception centres’ for unaccompanied migrant children, residential health facilities, psychiatric wards, residential ‘special schools’, and boarding schools.

What is human trafficking?
Human trafficking is defined as ‘the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of a child for the purpose of exploitation’. In this context, exploitation shall include, at a minimum, forced labour, begging, sexual exploitation, illegal adoption, domestic servitude, criminal exploitation, and organ harvesting.

For more information on definitions, please see the Guidelines.

How to make a submission
Evidence submissions are divided into two parts. You can choose to make submissions in either one or both of these:
  • Part I: Examples, information and knowledge about human trafficking linked to children's institutions
  • Part II: Examples, information and knowledge about countering human trafficking linked to children's institutions
You can also add publications and resources in support of your submissions. For each part, you will be able to make up to three submissions.

How your submissions will be used
Lumos is grateful for all submissions, and we will carefully analyse them to increase our understanding of patterns, dynamics, risks and drivers. This information will be published and disseminated to provide evidence for strategies, interventions and policies for preventing and tackling trafficking in the context of children's institutions. Your submissions will contribute to addressing some of the major gaps in the global evidence base and help strengthen the child protection sector to improve the lives of children.

Data protection
For more information on how we protect your privacy and data, please read the Lumos Privacy Policy as well as the SurveyMonkey Privacy Policy. If you want to make an anonymous submission, you can leave the contact information fields below blank.

More information
Please read the Guidelines for the Call for Evidence for more information on the aim and methodology of this call, definitions of institutions and trafficking, child and data protection issues, and research at Lumos. For any comments or queries about this call for evidence, please contact us at

Question Title

* 1. Statement on personally identifiable information
Lumos has a duty to report any concerns about the safety and well-being of children and vulnerable adults that may be raised through this Call for Evidence. If you raise any concerns about ongoing or suspected abuse in your submissions, we may be required to report these to the relevant authorities. 

Please refrain from mentioning names or identifying personal details or the exact locations of children, families, other individuals or children’s institutions anywhere in this survey. The only exception is information that is readily available in the public domain (for example in publicly available legal proceedings, media articles or publications).

In instances where you are concerned that someone is in immediate danger, we would recommend that you contact the police or relevant social services agency in your country. If you would like to discuss any concerns with Lumos directly, please contact our Safeguarding Adviser, Naomi Deutsch:

Question Title

* 2. Please enter your contact information.

Question Title

* 3. Part I: Would you like to make one or multiple submissions about human trafficking linked to children's institutions?